
[FIXED]Happenstance ch.3 Pipit x Link

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Pipit slowly made his way out of the infirmary.  Karane followed close behind, carrying the little box of chirping chicks.  "Aw, these little guys are so cute" she fussed.  Pipit laughed, slightly out of breath. "Well, two of them are girls actually".  Karane looked curiously at the little bundles of fluff. "How can you tell?" she asked.  Pipit smirked, "It's not that terribly difficult".  He continued to hobble toward the door and missed the profuse blush the quickly spread across Karane's face.  Opening the bulky doors proved difficult, but his determination paid off.  Pipit closed his eyes and relished in the warmth of the sun before calling his loftwing.  He wanted desperately to fly with her again, but knew he had to wait.  She swooped down and nuzzled the boy.  Karane handed the box over to Pipit who plopped each chick carefully on his bird's back.  They snuggled in just like a loftwing chick would.  Pipit led the way as they proceeded to the stables.  "So, Pipit." She began  "There have been some rumors floating around".  Pipit stopped abruptly.  "I figured there would be" he turned to face her "and just what exactly are they saying about Link and me?" his voice grew hostile.  Karane seemed a bit taken aback and wrung her hands.   I have to keep my temper under control.  "So it's true, or at least part of it".  Pipit leaned heavily on his crutches "The only things that are true are that Link and I are going out and that Groose saw us kiss."  he sighed and made his way inside the barn.  Karane followed him.  "So that's it?" she asked.  Pipit sat down. His bird stuck close by him.  "That's it."  he said as the little birds climbed into his hands.  An awkward silence hung over them.  "I don't want to know what they're saying, do I?" Pipit finally said.  His face was still a bit tense, but his voice no longer held the agitation it had before.  "Probably not."  Karane walked over and pet one of the chicks perched on Pipit's arm.  "What are their names?" she asked.  He sighed "I've been waiting for Link to return, so he can help me name them".  Pipit picked up the little bird and placed it in Karane's hand.  
"How long has he been gone?"
"A little over a week.  He's been gone longer before, but I still worry." Pipit's face grew somber.
"He'll be back soon" She smiled reassuringly.  

The sun was warm and high in the sky.  Pipit stared off into the pale blue.  He couldn't see everything from atop the hill by his house, but In the distance he could make out a red pillar of light that punctured the thick layer of clouds.  He fell back to rest against his faithful loftwing, Fey.  One of the little birds scurried over to playfully peck at his head.  Fey nudged the mischievous chick.  "You've really grown fond of them haven't you, girl?".  Fey cooed in response.  Pipit petted her beak, earning himself a nuzzle.  
Pipit was finally well enough to leave the infirmary.  He hobbled down the academy hall.  Afternoon sun filtered through the windows giving the building a warm atmosphere. He was happy to once again be wearing his uniform.  Even if he couldn't go back to his knightly duties just yet, it was nice to at least be back in his familiar uniform.  He had also opted for forearm crutches versus the underarm ones he had been using before.  They offered better mobility and were less tiring to use.  Smells like pumpkin soup today he thought as the cafeteria came into view.   It was surprisingly not crowded.  Only a few faces graced the room. He had only just sat down when fledge came barreling through the door.  "Pipit!" he yelled. Fledge always looked nervous, but now especially it shown through.  Pipit took up his crutches and got to his feet.  "Pipit, it's Link. Hurry, follow me"
Link's grasp on his sail cloth slipped a little earlier than he intended and he met the cobblestone harshly with a loud thud.  He stood up, staggered, and fell back onto the ground.  Hands unceremoniously picked him up off the ground and slung him over shoulder. The light around him changed.  "We need some potion over here!  Get some water too!".  He was lying on something now.  Water fell over his face and arms, causing plumes of steam to roll off his skin.  He was being forced to sit up by gentle motherly hands.  The bitter taste of potion met his mouth.  He coughed as the liquid fell over his parched throat.  A hand rubbed at his back. The gesture was meant to still his coughing, but it only pressed the hot chain mail further against him.  Again potion was brought to his mouth.  This time it seemed to go down more easily than the last.  More water washed over him; someone had realized he was encased in hot metal.  "Get that off him" someone yelled. Hands undid the clasps of his baldric and the heavy weight of his weaponry disappeared.  More clasps were undone and with great relief the hot metal and heavy tunic were removed, leaving him with only his much lighter cotton shirt.  Another glass bottle came up to his mouth.  This time the taste was so sweet that it verged on sickening.  However as soon as he swallowed the first gulp, he began to feel better.  Within no time he had drain the contents. He sat up .  Apparently they had placed him not on the floor, but on one of the wooden tables in the bazar.  He first noted this because he could swing his legs over the side.  His shield and sword had been tossed aside and laid propped against the wall. "Thank you" Link panted.  He placed a  hand to his forehead.  His head was still swimming, but at least now he wasn't on the verge of going into shock.   More of the far too sweet liquid was passed to him.  He grasped the bottle weakly "Thanks" Link said again.  Thud chk chk, thud chk chk , thud chk chk.  Link perked his ears.

Pipit swiftly scurried across the bazar toward the other.  His pace slowed and he came to rest outside the ring of people crowded around link.  "Pipit?" Link's voice carried over the see of people.  "Link! Are you alright?" he called over.  Heads turned to him and bodies moved to let him through.  Eagerly he made his way to the other, his crutches clinking against the stone  floor.  The other was heavily flushed and his hair clung to his face and neck.  His eyes were weary, but not pained and a smile was on his face.  "I'm okay, Pipit" Link said before taking another sip of the green potion that was rapidly reviving him "I was just very, very dehydrated".  Pipit took a seat in the chair by the boy's feet.  He let his head fall back as he caught his breath "While that isn't fantastic, it's better than how Fledge made it sound" he picked his head up to look at the other.  

Link slunk off the table and stood up, unsteadily at first. Seeing now that the boy was alright, the other's that crowded around him began to dissipate.  Many expressed their concern, but he reassured them that he was fine and thanked them again for their help. "I could use a dip in the lake.  Want to come with me?" he said, looking down at the other with a longing smile. Pipit nodded and rose to his feet.  
"You sure you don't wanna come in?" Link asked as he took off his boots
"I can't get my cast wet."
"oh, right"
Pipit turned his back as the other removed his shirt.  A slight blush crept over him.  He could hear a laugh hum behind Link's lips "You act as if you've never seen me without a shirt" Link said as he pulled the garment over his head. Pipit fidgeted, "It's not that".  A splash signal that the other was done undressing.  Pipit laid back in the plush grass at the edge of the lake and closed his eyes.  "It's just...I mean not that it really matters, but…" he sighed and opened his eyes to find Link hovering above him.  His breath caught in his throat and he swallowed hard "I just didn't want to be caught staring".   

How adorable.  He kiss Pipit's forehead lightly.  "But I'm yours to stare at".  Pipit  sat up and shifted to face him.  "Link, you don't understand.  It's not you I don't want to be caught by." Pipit ran his hand through his hair.  He can't possibly be embarrassed of me, is he? "People didn't stop talking after you left.  If anything it only fueled the fire," the boy hung his head and looked away.  Link sunk back into the water.  I'd almost forgotten about that.  Goddess, what exactly are people saying anyhow?  And Pipit, he's always held his knightly image in high regard. "Link?".  The sudden sound breaking through his thoughts made him jump slightly. He turned to see Pipit leaning over the bank.  "Will you take me flying?  It feels like ages since I've been in the sky".  Link smiled and hoisted himself out of the lake.  "Of course."  

This time Pipit couldn't help but stare as the other redressed.  Green really was his color and the uniform itself fell over him so naturally.  It was as if it had been made for him and him alone.  A hand came down to help Pipit up.  For a moment he almost brushed it aside, but then instead he took it and was pulled to his feet.  He falter slightly and fell into the other.  The other whistle loudly and as always, Link's bird was there in an instant. "Take it easy, Red.  Pipit's still injured".  Pipit fumbled with his crutches as he climbed up behind the other.  These are fine here, I doubt anyone will take them he thought as he tossed the devices aside.  "Hold on tight" Link said.  Pipit barely had time to wrap his arms around the other before the crimson loftwing took off into the air.  

The wind whipped wildly through his hair as he guided his loftwing around the clouds.  The boy behind him clung to his body tightly, a bit too tightly.  Is he afraid  of falling? Link clicked his tongue and his loft wing eased into a level glide. "Come're" Link said as he turned around, making sure to have a grip on his friend.  Somewhat awkwardly, Link pulled the other to sit in front of him.  Pipit seemed apprehensive and for a moment it seemed as though he might put up a fuss, but eventually the boy relaxed in his arms. The smile that crept over Pipit's face had a feeling of satisfaction warming in Link.  That smile suits you so well.  I wish you'd wear it more often.

A kiss grazed Pipit's cheek and he could feel a sigh escape the other. This is contentment.  The bird soared low through the air and circled passed the red pillar of light that jutted up through the clouds.  Pipit could just barely make out the world below.  "It's all rocks and lava down there." Link said softly.  A tinge a sadness hung on his words "They call it the Eldin volcano".  Pipit let his head rest back against the other.  A small smile crept over his face and he let his eyes fall shut.  For a while they drifted lazily through the clouds.  The silence between them was anything, but awkward.  Words weren't needed to enjoy the sensation of flight.  The bird turned sharply and Pipit felt Links grip on him tighten.  "It's getting late.  We should start heading back" he said looking back at the other.  Link nodded and tapped the birds side with his foot.  Red soared high up into the air and sped incredibly fast toward skyloft, passing clear through a circular rock formation.  
Red landed lightly outside the academy. Pipit scooted off the bird and landed as if the poles extending from his arms had always been there.  I'm glad he remembered to go back for these. "Normally I'd be getting ready for patrol right about now" he said staring up at the dusk sky.  Suddenly he found his feet (or rather, foot) leaving the ground.  "Hey, I can walk, ya know" he argued, clearly a bit miffed.  The other smirked "But I like carrying you" Link pouted, "and besides, I know you'd never let me do this if your leg wasn't broken".  I guess I'll let him get it out of his system. Pipit sighed with a light laugh.  He looked around and realized they were heading inside.  Goddess, I hope no one is around.  By some grace the hall was empty.  The short walk to Link's room seemed to stretch on forever as Pipit prayed the coast would stay clear. When they finally arrived at the green door, he released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.  Link set him down and began the trick that was getting his door to unlock.  It was being especially finicky.  Amused by the struggle and having a desire to 1 up the boy, he struck the lock with his crutch and tilted the key sideways.  A quite click sounded and the tumblers slid.  "I'm not even going to ask how you know the trick to opening this door" Link eyed him uncertainly. Pipit laughed "As a senior I have a duty to help my underclassmen.  That includes unlocking fickle doors," he winked mischievously.  Link held open the door for him and gestured entry, "After you".   Pipit hobbled inside; his arms were getting quite tired.   As soon as the door clicked shut behind him, he found himself in a tight embrace.  

Link draped his arms over the other's shoulders and laid his head wearily between the boy's shoulder blades. He could feel the the other's arms begin to shake beneath his weight and quickly let go. Listlessly he shuffled to his bed and plopped down, not bothering to remove his weapons.  

Pipit walked toward the other, his gate wavering slightly due to his fatigue.  "Link?" he asked with concern evident in his voice. He sat on the edge of the bed.  The other flinched slightly when he went to remove the boy's baldric.  With care he placed the weapons at the bedside.  "Link, what's wrong?" he gently placed a hand on the other's back.  It was then he noticed the tell tale square patches that cascaded down, under his shirt. "Please, don't touch my back." the sentence was punctuated with a sniffle.  Sympathetic eyes peered over at the boy's face.  Now that I think about it, he has been rather twitchy today.  How didn't I notice?  Why didn't he tell me? The boy sat up only to turn and collapse pathetically into Pitpit's arms.  Pipit nearly rubbed the boy's back on instinct, but thought twice about it.

Link nestled himself safely against his friend's chest.  He closed his eyes and let the other's scent and warmth envelop him.  A kiss graced his crown.  "I'm so tired."  He felt his eyes begin to sting as tears threatened to break through "Every time, I miss her only by minutes.  All that effort, all those sleepless nights, all those moments I thought for sure I was going to die, and all for what?".  Don't cry, don't cry. Fuck, don't let him see you cry.   

Pipit brushed his finger's through the boy's hair in an attempt to sooth him.  He must have been holding this in all day. "It's ok.  It'll all be worth it when you find Zelda and bring her home.  We believe in you, Link.  I know you can do this.  And remember, you can always stop home.  I'll be here for you, day or night" He felt the other shutter against him. ...He's crying… Pipit tightened his hold around the other and rested his head atop Link's.  Link shifted to burry his head in the crook of Pipit's neck.  Warm trails trickled over Pipit's skin.

"Please, stay here tonight.  Please, don't leave.  I can't take another night alone with my thoughts". A shush brushed over Link's ear.  "I won't leave.  I'll stay right here".  Needy lips pressed against his.  The kiss was slow and comparatively chaste in its attempt at gaining comfort. It broke to make way for a choked sob.  Pipit took Link's face in his hands and place a kiss on his forehead, another on his nose, and two more at each corner of his mouth, before a final one on the trembling lips. Carefully he maneuvered so as to lie down, and brought the other close.  

Link rested his head against the other's chest. His eyes fell closed and he could hear the steady thump of Pipit's heart beating.  Fingers again brushed through his hair.  They brushed back the blond tresses with kind, gentle caresses.  The world slowly faded around him.  His breath steadied to synch with the rise and fall of the other's chest.  "Go to sleep.  I'll be right here when you wake up, promise".

Sleep didn't come easily for Pipit.  He stared up at the dark ceiling, lost in thought.
What exactly is happening on the surface to reduce Link to this state?  I've never seen him break down like this. And what he said before, about how many times he thought he was going to die.   And he's hurt.  He's hiding it, but he's hurt.  How badly I wonder. The other snuggled closer and unconsciously wrapped his arms tightly around Pipit.  Link's brows were knit, and a pained grimace was pinned to his face. Without warning he sat bolt upright. "ngh gah" Pipit gasped, trying not to scream as his leg made contact with the wall.  

Link's eyes pan quickly over the room.  As the fog of sleep dissipated he became aware of the pained individual beside him. "Shit, I'm sorry.  Are you alright?" he asked moving toward the other.  Pipit sat up from his hunched position and took in a deep breath before exhaling. "Yeah, I'm fine.  Don't worry about it".  Link fell back onto the bed with a soft thud and pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes.  A comfortable weight laid on his chest, causing him to peek his eyes out.  Pipit was leaning cross armed on his chest.  His face rested over his wrists.  "Your smile is far too beautiful for you to be frowning like that".  A hand came up to pull Link's hands away from his face.  Link could only stare back at him and let his arms fall lethargically to either side. "Nightmare?" Pipit asked him.  He nodded silently as he recalled the dream.  Pipit brushed Link's tousled hair from his face.  "It's still pretty late.  You should try to go back to sleep".  Link furrowed his brows at the thought  "That's the last thing I want to do right now".  

Pipit shifted to sit up.  He looked around for a spare pillow, but as he expected, there wasn't one.  "Link, do you have something I can use to prop my foot up?".  Link picked his head up and handed over the pillow beneath it.  Pipit took it with uncertainty.  Link noted the expression.  "At this point a pillow feels like a luxury, compared to what I'm usually sleeping on".  A dreary overtone loomed in Link's mannerisms. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes.  "So, I guess you noticed the bandages on my back, huh?"  Link said rather abruptly.   The sentence caught Pipit slightly off guard.  He nodded "yeah, the wound isn't deep, is it?".  Link shook his head,  "They're burns.  That red light goes to a mountain surrounded by a lake of liquid  fire.  It seems like everything there is on fire.  The bokoblin arrows are on fire, the keese are on fire, the chuchu's are made of lava.  Hell, even I  was on fire a few times".  The last line had Pipit biting his lip in concern.  "And you have to go back, don't you?  Is that what you were dreaming of?" Pipit asked.  Link nodded and turned on his side "Will you check my back?  I don't think it's healing well".  Carefully Pipit eased up the other's tunic over his head.  The bandages were taped haphazardly from the boy's right shoulder down and across to just above his oblique.   Gingerly he peeled back the tape.  Even Pipit winced as the adhesive took up some of the wound with it.  Despite Link's concern, for the wound's size, they appeared to be healing alright.  However they still were a ghastly sight.  "You should throw some potion on these".  Link rummaged through his things momentarily before retrieving a mostly empty bottle of red potion.

The potion stung horribly as it came into contact with his open wounds.  Link grit his teeth. "That's the last of it," the other said as he handed the bottle back to him.  Link was about to throw his tunic back on when a hand stopped him.  "Let it breathe.  It'll only stick to your shirt if you put it back on now".  Makes sense.  He tossed the shirt on the floor and rested his head on folded arms.  Finger's brushed through his hair lazily and a content sigh left his lips.  He turned to allow the other access to the back of his neck and arched into the delicate touch.

A smirk spread across Pipit's mouth and a soft chuckle escaped him.  "What's so funny?" Link asked. "You take down evil with the flick of your sword and dodge perils daily, but play with your hair and your brain goes to mush." again, Pipit laughed.  Link propped  himself up on his elbows.  "Hey, that's not true.  You act like I..can't all..when you do that." the other's eyes fell shut and his head hung forward as Pipit raked his nails up Link's neck and through his hair.  "What was that you were saying?" Pipit playfully mocked.  "You bastard," was Link's mumbled response.   Pipit's smirk only grew brighter at the other's acceptance of defeat.  He smoothed his hand over the other's scalp before letting it fall to rest on his arm. "Just you wait,  I bet you have a stupid switch too"   Link said, eyes narrowed in jest.  Pipit leaned on his elbow, "and why do you think I'll let you find it now?" his eye brows rising in a challenging manner.  It only took a second before Pipit found himself pounced upon with his  hands held hostage.   Pipit stared up at  the boy now above him.  All the melancholic airs surrounding the blonde haired boy seemed to have evaporated. "Because I'm stronger than you," a mischievous look of triumph fell over Link.    I may very well be simply distracting him, but dear goddess am I, by far , more than willing  to do so.
"oh really now?"
"It that a challenge?"
"It is"

Link chuckled as the other tried to break his hold with brute force.  He eased his hold just enough to give the other false hope before pushing his arms back down.  "No fair, you're leaning all your weight against me" Pipit pouted at him.  "Am not" Link retorted. "Are too"
"Nuh uh"
"Ya huh"
"This is not leaning all my weight against you," Link smiled "This is" and with that, he let himself collapse onto his elbows before falling against the other, so as to scare the crap out of him but not the wind. "oof" Pipit squeaked.  Link now laid deadweight, almost diagonally over him.  Not to be outdone, Pipit took advantage of Link's lapse in restraining him to free his arms and wrap them around the boy, trapping his arms.  "Gotcha!" he said victoriously.  Heehee, so you may think. "oh whatever shall I do now?"  Link said dramatically as he walked his fingers over the other's ribs. Pipit's eyes widened "Don't you dare tickle me." he said.  "Me, tickle you? Never?" Link said while trying to suppress a giggle fit.  "Link…." Pipit warned only moments before Link began his assault.  Pipit released his arms to try and fend Link off as he bursted into a fit of laughter.  "You jerk, hahaha...stop- ahahaha- tickling me".  Link snickered "Nope".  The other could barely get a word in edgewise between his own laughter.  Link ceased his tormenting to let Pipit breathe and returned to being lazily draped over him.
"Of course you know, this means war." Pipit whisper close to his ear. Oh crap. Link had no time to retaliate before teeth were at his neck, biting playfully.  

Pipit relished in the sharp gasp that left the other's mouth. Ha, I win. He thought as he drug his tongue along the prominent tendon that would lead to the boy's jaw.  "Ah, war it is then" was not the response Pipit had anticipated, nor had he anticipate the lips now encircling his ear lobe.  

Link had never heard the sound of defeat and enjoyment combined into one, but that is exactly what managed to echo from the boy beneath him.  He slid his tongue along the length of the pointy shell and felt a hand creep up his neck  as Pipit arched into his touch.  Again he took the boy's ear lobe in his mouth, this time sucking at it lightly.  A faint  whimper pass the other's lips.  "hmh" The hum that reverberated from Link's chuckle only seemed to make Pipit's loss more evident.  "Surrendering?" Link said with a rather cocky tone before tracing the ear once more.  The finger's previously at the nape of his neck combed forcefully up his scalp.  An involuntary shiver course through him.  "Never" Pipit cooed huskily before wrapping his fingers in the gold tresses and gently tugging them.  

Much to Pipit's delight, the whimper that left Link's mouth was not quite so faint as his own.  He motioned to pull the boy out from the crook of his neck, but was met with resistance.  His own hair was pulled, and with surprising obedience he let the other tilt back his head.  Either Link has fabulous instincts or He was not kidding about being a quick learner. The attention being paid to his neck had a quiet, needy sound emanating from his throat.  "Hey, Pipit?" Link asked.  "Yeah?" he replied trying to repress the noise threatening to sound.  "Fledge isn't here.  You don't have to be that quiet."  he said before dexterously trailing his tongue over the boy's collar. "umnh, is that a fact?" Pipit voiced, more comfortably letting a pleased sound punctuate the sentence.  "mhm." Link hummed against the other's skin.  "So, about those ears of yours," Link teased, his lips just barely grazing the appendage as he spoke.  Pipit shuttered.  The hot breath that lapped at his skin had the hair on the back of his neck standing on end.  "What about my- hhh, ears?" Goddess damn it, he figured it out.  "I think you know what." Link murmured  while trailing light kisses along his neck.  Pipit gasped "I have no idea what your talking about".  Link cocked his eyebrows, "Oh really?" He turned his attention to Pipit's still untouched left ear.  He flick his tongue over it, barely grazing it. "What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen loftwing?" he whispered before having at the, clearly sensitive, appendage.  Air-speed..loftwing..velocity….. I know this….damn that mouth.

A satisfied smirk fell over Link's face as the other finally let a moan escape his lips.  "Do I win yet?".  He grazed the cartilage with his teeth.  Pipit rolled onto his side to face Link,  and pulled him close. "Only this battle, but not the war".  Link snuggled against him, "Fair enough" He yawn loudly.  A creak squealed across the room from the door adjacent to his.  Link sighed, slightly annoyed at the unwanted presence on the other side of the divider.  "I swear they made these rooms this way on purpose" he mumbled.  Pipit kissed Link's crown "Maybe for the best.  You look tired".   Pipit grabbed the pillow his foot rested on and returned it to the head of the bed for the other.   "Sure you don't need it?" Link asked.  Pipit nodded "I forgot about my foot hurting a long time ago, Link".   They shared a laugh, knowing the dirty implications of what exactly Pipit had implied.  Link pulled the cover's up over them.  "I wish I could always fall asleep like this" Link thought he had only thought to himself.
A smile spread over Pipit's lips as he recognized the blunder, but refrained from acknowledging it.  It was far too endearing to ruin.  Unlike before, this time sleep came easily to the young knight.
EDIT: oopse, i put up the wrong chapter. that was chapter 5. not chapter 3

ha ha, wow. waay out of order.

all better now

full illustration:[link]

chapter 2:[link]
chapter 4:[link]
© 2012 - 2024 StubbornDodecahedron
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sonicgirlforever's avatar
i saw that picture i'm like it could be a manly hug right *reads the story* falls out my bed